How can I pay for my order?

For your convenience, we have prepared convenient and secure payment methods: - fast transfer - fast online payment system, which allows you to make an immediate payment through your bank account. - BLIK - payment by VISA and MasterCard - payment on delivery - deferred payments - Klarna and PayPo.

Does charge additional fees for payments?

No. There are no additional fees charged.

What are deferred payments in the store?

Deferred payments are a method by which you can enjoy your purchases on, and only pay for them after a certain period of time. There are two deferred payment methods available - Klarna and PayPo. In both methods you have, up to 30 days to make payment.

You will make your payment choice in the second step of the purchase process. You will also be asked for the data needed to process the request.

Is my data protected and the payment operation secure?

The security of entrusted data is one of our biggest priorities. We attach great importance to the protection of personal data at every stage of our operations. We have the highest quality technological solutions and system security. The connection to the site is encrypted by SSL protocol key. In addition, customer passwords are encrypted in the database by an algorithm. A team of specialists monitors the system on an ongoing basis so that all operations are carried out safely.

In addition, the Customers' data are secured through data protection provisions in the payment services: